Dialogue || 撰写的第一篇小剧本 芜湖上将 2021-05-05 芜湖上将文章 暂无评论 引言:这次对话由我参照课本与作业要求作出,涵盖日期、电话号码的表达与购物交流,实际上是第二次视频作业,但是是我第一篇自己编写的法文小作文(雾)。这次视频将...
Odysseus, almost a hero 芜湖上将 2021-04-26 芜湖上将文章 暂无评论 What is a hero? For me, it means outstanding talent and noble per...
The Divine Comedy Still Keeps Alive 芜湖上将 2021-04-24 芜湖上将文章 暂无评论 In times of Christianity, Dante drew an imaginative and elegant p...
Finally, Society Ate Lazarillo 芜湖上将 2021-04-24 芜湖上将文章 1 条评论 In the beginning of the story, our little Lazaro was such an inno...